About me
Zohar Kohavi, "Photomontage: On Shy Abady's Augusta Victoria series", July 2013
To the article in, "levantine", Van Leer institute's Journal of Levantine Studies
Zohar Kohavi, "Photomontage: On Shy Abady's Augusta Victoria series", July 2013
Galili Shahr, The Tselem, "The Restless" catalogue, May 2017
Irena Gordon, from the exhibition "Jewish Icons - Andy Warhol and Israeli Artists", September 2010
Shy Abady- Radu Klapper, Hanna Coman, January 2012 - from Radu's catalogue
"Troubled Nosotalgia" Text and works presentation in Bezaleel Acadey of Art onlin Journal, February 2012
Shira Fridman, Restless-Shy abady, from "The Restless" catalogue. May, 2017
My Hannah Arendt Project / Shy Abady, Fordham University Press, N.Y. December 2009
Both Sides Now, Shaul Setter, Haaretz magzine, August 2017
Shy Abady: Entre chien et loup, Irena Gordon, January 2012 (from Radu's catalogue)
Scorched History on German Plywood, Tali Tamir, from the Augusta Victoria catalogue, January 2012
"Zadikim" at the Start of the Third Millennium - by Radu Klapper 2006
To dance the revolution, Roni Dori, Haaretz, April 2009
The Golden Age - Icons by Daniel Chahana Levensohn 2006
Oh, Hannah-Tali Tamir 2005
Shy Abady - Hannah Arendt Project - by Erik Riedel 2005
The Jewish Museum of Frankfurt 2005