About me
The Jewish Museum of Frankfurt 2005
Both Sides Now, Shaul Setter, Haaretz magzine, August 2017
Shy Abady: Entre chien et loup, Irena Gordon, January 2012 (from Radu's catalogue)
Scorched History on German Plywood, Tali Tamir, from the Augusta Victoria catalogue, January 2012
Zohar Kohavi, "Photomontage: On Shy Abady's Augusta Victoria series", July 2013
Galili Shahr, The Tselem, "The Restless" catalogue, May 2017
Irena Gordon, from the exhibition "Jewish Icons - Andy Warhol and Israeli Artists", September 2010
Shy Abady- Radu Klapper, Hanna Coman, January 2012 - from Radu's catalogue
"Troubled Nosotalgia" Text and works presentation in Bezaleel Acadey of Art onlin Journal, February 2012
Shira Fridman, Restless-Shy abady, from "The Restless" catalogue. May, 2017
My Hannah Arendt Project / Shy Abady, Fordham University Press, N.Y. December 2009
"Zadikim" at the Start of the Third Millennium - by Radu Klapper 2006
To dance the revolution, Roni Dori, Haaretz, April 2009
The Golden Age - Icons by Daniel Chahana Levensohn 2006
Oh, Hannah-Tali Tamir 2005
Shy Abady - Hannah Arendt Project - by Erik Riedel 2005
The Jewish Museum of Frankfurt 2005