"Back to the Levant," is a series which deals with the Levantine space and its history. The series opens a conversation between the complex and sensitive regional history and the personal family history of the artist. The series blends the personal with the public and the political, blurring the boundaries between Jewish and Arab identities. Abady paints portraits of Arab political figures from the Middle East who are perceived by the Israeli eye as hostile figures (such as Gamal Abdel Nasser and Haj Amin al-Husseini) alongside his family, all of whom were born in the region and lived for many years among Arabs in Jerusalem, Aleppo, and Cairo . In addition, alongside the Arabic inscription, the series also depicts sites of sacred places (such as the Dome of the Rock and tombs of Jewish and Muslim righteous). For the artist, the Levant is an open space of mixed identities bridging and contrasting East and West.
link: חסרי מנוח